i connected pn532 via i2c, please advise me what should i write in doorpi.ini, because like that doesn't work
testsystem = gpio
virtuell = filesystem
nfcreader = pn532
device = pn532_i2c:/dev/i2c-1
i connected pn532 via i2c, please advise me what should i write in doorpi.ini, because like that doesn't work
testsystem = gpio
virtuell = filesystem
nfcreader = pn532
device = pn532_i2c:/dev/i2c-1
What does not work?
Has the Raspberry found the device?
Thank you, Andreas!
i have installed my pn532 on orange pi following exactly this instruction you've sent. And my device found it and can see it, but via i2c.
and now i don't know what should i write in doorpi.ini instead of "device = tty:AMA0:pn532".
the reply on command sudo nfc-list is:
nfc-list uses libnfc 1.7.1NFC device: pn532_i2c:/dev/i2c-0 opened.
can you help me please?
Try this:
testsystem = gpio
virtuell = filesystem
nfcreader = pn532
device = pn532_i2c:/dev/i2c-0
bouncetime = 1000
12345678 = out:Tueroeffner,1,0,3
87654321 = out:Tueroeffner,1,0,3
10 = out:Tueroeffner,1,0,3
10 = out:Tueroeffner,1,0,3
Alles anzeigen
The numbers "12345678" and "87654321" must be replaced with your ID from tag.
Thank you, Andreas!
unfortunately it didn't help...
now i'm thinking : the file from_pn532.py shouldn't be changed by any way? what should i change if so?
Hey Brunh,
dont change the file from_pn532.py. This keyboard works well with serial conection and, i think so, with I2C. But i have not yet been tested.
Have you changed the doorpi.ini with the content in post 4?
Hello Andreas!
yes i did, but it didn't help.
i will try to reinstall all again...
Ich muss das Thema mal nach oben ziehen. Ich weiß Jahre später.... wollte. mit dem PN532 erweitern um per AIrTag aufschließen zu können.
Soweit Installation durchgekämpft- Ist für das alte System und ic2 nicht ganz so einfach aber ich sag mal der PN532 läuft.
Nur im DoorPi bekomme ich die Meldung beim Start und ich habe gerade null Ideen mehr.
2023-08-25 21:11:27,342 [TRACE] [doorpi.conf.config_object] get_string for key device in section nfcreader_keyboard (default: tty:AMA0:pn532) returns pn532_i2c:/dev/i2c-1
2023-08-25 21:11:27,344 [DEBUG] [doorpi.conf.config_object] parse string "pn532_i2c:/dev/i2c-1" to "pn532_i2c:/dev/i2c-1"
2023-08-25 21:11:27,345 [INFO] [nfc.clf] searching for reader on path pn532_i2c:/dev/i2c-1
2023-08-25 21:11:27,346 [ERROR] [nfc.clf] no reader available on path pn532_i2c:/dev/i2c-1
2023-08-25 21:11:27,346 [ERROR] [doorpi.main] Exception NameError: [Errno 19] No such device
Traceback (most recent call last):
Alle Checks soweit durch. Reader wird gefunden und mit nfc-list auch Tag lesbar.
nfc-scan-device -v
nfc-scan-device uses libnfc libnfc-1.8.0-65-g42de50f
1 NFC device(s) found:
- PN532 board via I2C:
chip: PN532 v1.6
nfcreader = pn532
device = pn532_i2c:/dev/i2c-1
bouncetime = 1000
Kann es sein das das Keyboard nicht mit ic2 läuft? Hat das einer am laufen?
Eigene Antwort. Mist gerade gefunden hier:
ZitatUnfortunately there was still no time left to implement I2C or SPI communication into nfcpy. You'd need to use the UART.