Mailto: nicht funktioniert

  • Guten Abend,

    kann mir jemand helfen?

    Hier ich bin Anfänger. Ich komme mit doorpi eine Telefonnummer anrufen, eine exetutable zu starten, aber ich kann nicht eine Nachricht mit mailto senden.

    Meine doorpi.ini Ich habe diese:

    11 = Schlaf: 0

    20 = mailto: sip:xxxxxx@, DOORPI, Glocke,Falsch

    xxxxxx ist mit meinem Benutzernamen von meinem Konto linphone

    Wenn ich anfangen doorpi (Start) auf meine Raspberry Pi und ich drücke meine Taste auf GPIO, erhalte ich die Nachricht nicht auf meinem Smartphone ausgestattet linphone.

    Ich habe auch gesagt, dass ich asterisk (ich keine Fritzbox haben).

    Meine Fragen in den Sinn kommen, sind:
    - Warum es nicht funktioniert?
    - Habe ich vergessen etwas?
    - Asterisk, es muss so konfiguriert werden, E-Mail senden?

    Wenn jemand durch es geht, ich danke Ihnen für seine Hilfe.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen.


  • You should not send Mails with Asterisk. This makes no sence.

    This should be triggered from doorpi.
    I already posted an example of my doorpi.ini when you asked something regarding Asterisk with doorpi.
    This example is working for me and should also working for you
    (of course you must use your Mailserver settings).

    Btw: If you use a translater to use german the Output look sometimes very strange for native german speaker.
    Sollte ja nichts dagegen sprechen hier englisch zu schreiben?

  • Thank you for your reply.

    Indeed the Google translator from French to German is not good.
    I would even say more: he is bizard.

    For mailto, you put in your doorpi.ini file:

    It does not work in my case because I do not have a piface card.

    For my part, I put in my file doorpi.ini:

    When button 11 is pressed, nothing happens.

    Do you have an idea?

    In advance, thank you.


  • What is it for you the translater?

    Pine side: this is the right pine (11 corresponding to the GPIO17). It is safe because I already made a call to an internal number (22 for example) and I launched an executable ( Pine side is good.

    For the doorpi.log file, here it is:

  • If is working you, you can also send the email via this shell script ( or php, Python, Perl,.. (whatever programming language you better know). I guess you will find a lot examples with Google.

    I don't use a translater, I am german native speaker and I also speak english.

  • Ah ok.

    I am obliged to pass through a translator because I do not control little German and English.
    I am French.

    For the doorpi.log file, I see one or of the errors but I cannot interpret them.
    They has there only the developers of doorpi which can it. It is damage.

  • I don't think there is a bug. For me is mailto working fine.
    Here the parts of doorpi.ini:

    Mybe you are not reaching your mailserver. Your Provider is not allowing from this IP-Range, your provider is not supporting smpts, tls, ... whatever.

    Did you try e.g. gmail or something else instead of your orange account?

    Here is an gmail example:
    LED und Taster Problemme

    If you want to use script, here you can find a python example:
    Problem beim Mailversand

  • Hello streicher,

    All on board thank you for your message that helped me well.

    Indeed, I had trouble finding the right settings for SMTP
    Of ORANGE and GMAIL but I got there.

    Already, I was on a bad port 587 when it was port 465 that was working.

    You will tell me why you chose port 587. Initially, in Doorpi, port 587 of ORANGE worked for phone calls but not emails.
    For me, already there, it was bizard: there was a problem. At the beginning, I went to port 587 simply because
    Of the installation of my cameras at home, I had installed the software SSMTP, MUTT and MOTION with port 587.
    For me, it worked with port 587, so necessarily DooPI had to work with this port 587.
    He well no !!!

    Finally, I tried several ports and parameters and it is port 465 that works with Doorpi.

    My Doorpi.ini is:

    What does my doorpi.ini do:
    - at startup, doorpi sends an email to ORANGE indicating that the doorpi restarts
    - on the pushbutton pushbutton (pin 11 GPIO17):
    - doorpi calls me on my smartphone equipped with linphone
    - doorpi sends me on my mail ORANGE that someone is ringing at the door
    - and we can do the same on GMAIL.

    Now it works well.

    On the other hand, the last line does not work and I do not know why?
    This line is:

    40 = os_execute:/home/pi/Doorpi/

    My file (equipped with MUTT) works because when I run it or I run it in a terminal, I get the message, after doing:
    Sudo chmod + x

    My uses the MUTT software:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    echo " " > /home/pi/Doorpi/mail.txt
    echo  "On a sonné à la porte!"  > /home/pi/Doorpi/mail.txt
    echo  "Date: " `date`  >> /home/pi/Doorpi/mail.txt
    sudo cat /home/pi/Doorpi/mail.txt | mutt -s "il y a quelqu un à la porte!"

    For those who are interested, the MUTT software works with a file such as:
    Sudo nano /home/pi/.muttrc

    There I stumble on the line:

    40 = os_execute: /home/pi/Doorpi/

    This command does not send me the message: why?
