Beiträge von brunh

    Hi Andreas!
    sorry for asking again, but i try to get it.
    Do you get receiving snapshot's pictures onto telegram?
    i cannot to get a new "fresh" snapshot.
    after command [font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]wget -O /home/pi/Hausturklingel.jpg[/font] i can find file [font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]Hausturklingel.jpg[/font], but it is empty (0 Kb). What do i wrong?
    no chance to use take_snapshot to do it?
    to use it i cannot determine which name of jpg file i can use in this string "[font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]photo="@/home/pi/Hausturklingel.jpg"[/font]


    wget -O /home/pi/Haustürklingel.jpg
    curl -s -k "<API-Schlüssel des Bots>/sendPhoto" -F chat_id=<chatid> -F photo="@/home/pi/Haustürklingel.jpg"

    Hello, Thorsten.
    Thank you for sharing how to send push-notifications via telegram. i've made it in according to your instruction, and it works fine!
    but snapshot's sending i couldn't run. Actually when I tried to put some file in the directory and send, it works, i receive picture to my telegram, but taking new updated pictures, unfortunately, wasn't successful.
    Please reply me, how can i send last_snapshot, that is taken by command take_snapshot? Is it possible?

    Hello, Thorsten.
    Thank you for sharing how to send push-notifications via telegram. i've made in according to your instruction, and it works fine!
    but snapshot's sending i couldn't run. Actually when I tried to put some file in the directory and send, it works, i receive picture to my telegram, but taking new updated pictures, unfortunately, wasn't successful.
    Please reply me, how can i send last_snapshot, that is taken by command take_snapshot?

    I am attaching code of matrix and keypad 7 seg led дисплей. the program calls the owner and writes a file with name number equal to true and value . Before a new record the program writes "false" and after a second true again. Please advise me how to return to program events : incorrect number, respond on call, lock opening of, reset.

    [font=arial, sans-serif] There is wonderful keypad [font=arial, sans-serif]ttp229 [/font]with serial output, and i need the keypad to work with rpi. i tried to connect it via I2C, but i've found out that it doesn't support it. Could somebody to help to adapt it, please? [/font]

    Hi Thomas,
    we would like to suggest you our help in this question re graph desigh, we can order all of you've asked to professional designers - freelancers, and we're going to pay for it. we're sure it would be quick and nice enough.
    If you don't mind we will start soon.