Hi DoorPi Gemeinde,
ich habe heute die Zielrufnummer bzw. Zielaktion bei einem Klingeln von "call:**610" auf "call:**620" geändert. Seitdem mag Linphone gar nichts mehr anrufen (auch die alte Rufnummer nicht mer, wenn ich das zurück-ändere).
Den DoorPi hab ich mehrmals neu gestartet, habe ihn auf der Console laufen lassen für Debug Logs.
Im Boot Prozess steht:
[doorpi.sipphone.from_linphone] start successfully
Wenn ich die Klingel auslöse (bei mir via UDP Paket) kommt im Log folgendes:
2024-03-14 22:28:26,441 [DEBUG] [doorpi.sipphone.from_linphone] call (**620)
2024-03-14 22:28:26,452 [DEBUG] [doorpi.sipphone.from_linphone] no current call -> start new call
2024-03-14 22:28:26,447 [DEBUG] [doorpi.action.handler] no actions for event BeforeSipPhoneMakeCall - skip fire_event BeforeSipPhoneMakeCall from doorpi.sipphone.from_linphone
2024-03-14 22:28:26,467 [DEBUG] [doorpi.sipphone.from_linphone] reset current call start datetime to 2024-03-14 21:28:26.459704
2024-03-14 22:28:26,499 [DEBUG] [doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.CallBacks] call_state_changed (2 - Starting outgoing call)
2024-03-14 22:28:26,506 [TRACE] [doorpi.action.handler] fire Event OnCallStateChange from doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.CallBacks asyncron
2024-03-14 22:28:26,517 [TRACE] [doorpi.action.handler] fire Event OnMediaRequired from doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.CallBacks asyncron
2024-03-14 22:28:26,534 [DEBUG] [doorpi.action.handler] no actions for event OnMediaRequired - skip fire_event OnMediaRequired from doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.CallBacks
2024-03-14 22:28:26,528 [DEBUG] [doorpi.action.handler] no actions for event OnCallStateChange - skip fire_event OnCallStateChange from doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.CallBacks
2024-03-14 22:28:26,564 [DEBUG] [doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.CallBacks] call_state_changed (3 - Outgoing call in progress)
2024-03-14 22:28:26,573 [TRACE] [doorpi.action.handler] fire Event OnCallStateChange from doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.CallBacks asyncron
2024-03-14 22:28:26,591 [TRACE] [doorpi.action.handler] fire Event OnSipPhoneMakeCall from doorpi.sipphone.from_linphone asyncron
2024-03-14 22:28:26,594 [DEBUG] [doorpi.action.handler] no actions for event OnCallStateChange - skip fire_event OnCallStateChange from doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.CallBacks
2024-03-14 22:28:26,614 [TRACE] [doorpi.action.handler] fire Event AfterSipPhoneMakeCall from doorpi.sipphone.from_linphone asyncron
2024-03-14 22:28:26,620 [DEBUG] [doorpi.action.handler] [KDXTR8] fire for event OnSipPhoneMakeCall this actions [<doorpi.action.base.SingleAction instance at 0xb367e238>]
2024-03-14 22:28:26,640 [TRACE] [doorpi.action.handler] [KDXTR8] try to fire action <bound method LinphonePlayer.start of <doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.Player.LinphonePlayer object at 0xb3679610>> with args () and kwargs {}
2024-03-14 22:28:26,638 [TRACE] [doorpi.action.handler] [U0N4AM] finished fire_event for event_name OnKeyPressed_udpin.ring
2024-03-14 22:28:26,653 [TRACE] [doorpi.action.base] run SingleAction with args () and kwargs {}
2024-03-14 22:28:26,647 [DEBUG] [doorpi.action.handler] no actions for event AfterSipPhoneMakeCall - skip fire_event AfterSipPhoneMakeCall from doorpi.sipphone.from_linphone
2024-03-14 22:28:26,675 [TRACE] [doorpi.action.handler] fire Event OnPlayerStarted from doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.Player asyncron
2024-03-14 22:28:26,688 [TRACE] [doorpi.action.handler] [KDXTR8] finished fire_event for event_name OnSipPhoneMakeCall
2024-03-14 22:28:26,701 [DEBUG] [doorpi.action.handler] no actions for event OnPlayerStarted - skip fire_event OnPlayerStarted from doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.Player
2024-03-14 22:28:40,995 [INFO] [doorpi.sipphone.from_linphone] call timeout - hangup current call after 14.53527 seconds (max. 15)
2024-03-14 22:28:41,026 [DEBUG] [doorpi.sipphone.linphone_lib.CallBacks] call_state_changed (13 - Call terminated)
Leider wird für mich nicht ersichtlich, woran es hapert, da ich auch keine ERROR Einträge sehe.... Aber ein Anruf findet eben nicht statt (getestet mit 3 Telefonen)
Ich bin dankbar für jedwede Ideen.