Beiträge von Pat054

    Thank you to you for this track.

    Effectively, you have to create two bash files named (to stop the sound) and speaker_unmute (to reset the sound).
    As a reminder, a bash allows you to launch shell commands as if you were launching them in a console.

    So I created a file (to stop the sound) with the nano editor such as:

    sudo nano
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    /usr/bin/amixer -c 1 sset Speaker mute
    ctrl + o +ENTER +ctrl x

    Then I created the executable such as:

    sudo chmod +x

    And then I started the command:


    It's great: the sound has gone out!

    Then I created a file (to resume the sound) with the nano editor such as:

    sudo nano
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    /usr/bin/amixer -c 1 sset Speaker unmute
    ctrl + o +ENTER +ctrl x

    Then I created the executable such as:

    sudo chmod +x

    And then I started the command:


    It's great: the sound is back!

    Now, actually, you will have to integrate these files into doorpi.ini.
    For this, I did this in my doorpi.ini (without Piface card):

    And if I now activate the bell button, I have my smartphone that sounds.
    Then I pick up: I have the sound.
    And then I hang up: the sound cuts.

    It's awesome!


    Hello Streicher,

    Thank you for your answer. Indeed, I was looking for a command to mute the sound adapter without going through a relay.

    Yes, I have already used alsamixer but in screen mode (by entering alsamixer in the console).

    On the other hand, I never used directly its own "man amixer" commands in the console.

    The two commands "amixer -c 1 sset Master mute" and "amixer -c 1 set Master playback 0% mute" do not work, I have this: amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Master',0

    On the other hand, the following command works, it cuts off the sound:

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ amixer -c 1 sset Speaker mute
    Simple mixer control 'Speaker',0
      Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
      Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
      Limits: Playback 0 - 151
      Front Left: Playback 25 [17%] [-23.69dB] [off]
      Front Right: Playback 25 [17%] [-23.69dB] [off]

    To restore the sound, simply run the command:

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ amixer -c 1 sset Speaker unmute
    Simple mixer control 'Speaker',0
      Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
      Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
      Limits: Playback 0 - 151
      Front Left: Playback 25 [17%] [-23.69dB] [on]
      Front Right: Playback 25 [17%] [-23.69dB] [on]

    That's great

    How do you integrate these 2 commands into a python program?
    (I have never done)



    Ah ok.

    I am obliged to pass through a translator because I do not control little German and English.
    I am French.

    For the doorpi.log file, I see one or of the errors but I cannot interpret them.
    They has there only the developers of doorpi which can it. It is damage.

    What is it for you the translater?

    Pine side: this is the right pine (11 corresponding to the GPIO17). It is safe because I already made a call to an internal number (22 for example) and I launched an executable ( Pine side is good.

    For the doorpi.log file, here it is:

    dpt danke Ihnen für Ihre Antwort,

    Hier habe ich keine piface Karte.

    Mein Audio-Adapter wird in einen USB-Seite auf die Himbeere ft3 gesteckt
    und auf der anderen Seite des Lautsprechers und Mikrofons.

    Wie Sie Ihre Datei ohne doorpi.ini piface zu übersetzen?

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen.


    nb: Der obige Text aus einer Google-Übersetzung ist.
    Ich glaube, dass der Übersetzer seine Arbeit zu tun.
    Haben Sie den Text zu verstehen? Ansonsten kann ich auf Englisch verbringen.

    Thank you for your reply.

    Indeed the Google translator from French to German is not good.
    I would even say more: he is bizard.

    For mailto, you put in your doorpi.ini file:

    It does not work in my case because I do not have a piface card.

    For my part, I put in my file doorpi.ini:

    When button 11 is pressed, nothing happens.

    Do you have an idea?

    In advance, thank you.


    Guten Abend,

    kann mir jemand helfen?

    Hier ich bin Anfänger. Ich komme mit doorpi eine Telefonnummer anrufen, eine exetutable zu starten, aber ich kann nicht eine Nachricht mit mailto senden.

    Meine doorpi.ini Ich habe diese:

    11 = Schlaf: 0

    20 = mailto: sip:xxxxxx@, DOORPI, Glocke,Falsch

    xxxxxx ist mit meinem Benutzernamen von meinem Konto linphone

    Wenn ich anfangen doorpi (Start) auf meine Raspberry Pi und ich drücke meine Taste auf GPIO, erhalte ich die Nachricht nicht auf meinem Smartphone ausgestattet linphone.

    Ich habe auch gesagt, dass ich asterisk (ich keine Fritzbox haben).

    Meine Fragen in den Sinn kommen, sind:
    - Warum es nicht funktioniert?
    - Habe ich vergessen etwas?
    - Asterisk, es muss so konfiguriert werden, E-Mail senden?

    Wenn jemand durch es geht, ich danke Ihnen für seine Hilfe.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen.


    Hallo an alle,

    Anleitungen, um den Lautsprecher und das Mikrofon stummzuschalten , wenn doorpi im Schlaf (Standby) ist?

    Tatsächlich in Betrieb doorpi, der Lautsprecher und das Mikrofon immer funktioniert: Wenn Sie in das Mikrofon sprechen, hören wir den Lautsprecher.
    Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, anzuhalten ? Und natürlich laufen sie wieder, wenn jemand an der Tür-Taste aktiviert.

    Im Voraus vielen Dank. Mit freundlichen Grüßen.


    Guten Abend,

    Ihr Projekt ist sehr erfolgreich.

    Können Sie uns mit Ihrer doorppi.ini Datei geben Sie bitte?

    Vielen Dank im Voraus. herzlich.



    Mon message précédent n ° 20 est toujours valable.

    D'autre part, si elle intéresse un débutant, je résolu mon message n ° 1, qui était «ce qui est contenu minimal de doorpi.ini":

    - Si comme moi vous n'avez pas Fritzbox mais Asterisk à la place, vous pouvez suivre mon tutoriel de mon message n ° 7
    Pour installer Asterisk

    - Puis pour Doorpi, nous installons doorpi dans Pypi après le forum

    - Le fichier doorpi.ini est:

    - Sur le plan de câblage, une résistance de 22kohm doit être insérée entre la broche 11 (GPIO17) et la masse. Ensuite, un commutateur entre
    Pin 11 (GPIO17) et 3.3V

    - L'actionnement de l'interrupteur peut être vérifié par l'installation Wiringpi

    - Sur le smartphone (en wifi), nous ajoutons et enregistrer un "22" compte dans CSipSimple avec l'adresse IP de Asterik

    - Nous lançons:
    Sudo de la start
    Sudo astérisque -cvvv
    - Ensuite, appuyez sur le bouton et, normalement, sonneries de votre smartphone comme: 21 appels 22.

    Voilà un bon hack.



    I come back to Asterisk I did not know a week ago
    And that I may not have understood everything from A to Z.

    So far, in my message No. 7, I was able to call Asterisk from number 21 to 22
    And vice versa on my local WIFI network.

    Can we do the same in 3G or 4G with asterisk?

    In this case, what should be changed or added to the sip.conf and extensions.conf files to do so?

    Thank you in advance. Cordially.


    Gute Nacht Han Solo

    es ist groß und schön Projekt ... ich umsetzen möchte.

    kônnen Sie Ihre doorpi.ini Datei, bitte?

    In der Zwischenzeit, danken Sie. Mit freundlichen Grüßen.


    I had the same as you a few hours ago, the it indicates pin 17 to 3.3V (where the term GPIO17 is used by mistake ).
    The true GPIO17 is pin 11 according to the documentation of the Raspberry PI3.

    For my part it is the pin 11 named GPIO17 that I use for my pushbutton.

    In the doorpi.ini you sent me in your message (# 4), the pin used is the 10 or the GPIO15.
    Moreover, I do not understand this choice because it is a pin reserved RXD (reception of data) according to the documentation of the Raspberry PI.

    What I seek is the theme of my first message; What is the minimum content to put in the doorpi.ini
    For when a push button mounted on pin 11 is actuated, doorpi calls the number 21.

    Until now I have not managed to make this assembly work.

    On your side, your push button of your doorbell is physically mounted on which pin number (GPIO ??)?

    Good evening,

    I read the documentation and searched the forum but without success: I do not get away with it.

    When I run:

    Sudo doorpi_cli --trace

    I have this:

    I do not understand my button bell is connected to pin 11 (GPRIO17)
    And my doorpi.ini file is as follows:

    Where is the problem?

    Can someone help me. Thank you.



    I trust you.

    It's just that by being a beginner, I ask myself questions
    Techniques ... as far as I saw these settings in my Livebox.
    Ok for ipv4 calculation ....

    For the DOORPI documentation, it is very succinct.
    That's why the forum is there to help.

    For my settings, here they are:

    Serveur =
    Port = 587
    Need_login = True
    Username =
    Password = xyz (my email password
    Use_tls = False
    USE_SSL = True
    From =

    The documentation or forum does not address: how to run asterisk versus doorpi?

    For my part, I do this:

    Pi @ raspberrypi: ~ $ sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk start
    [Ok] Starting asterisk (via systemctl): asterisk.service.
    Pi @ raspberrypi: ~ $ sudo /etc/init.d/doorpi start
    [Ok] Starting doorpi (via systemctl): doorpi.service.
    Pi @ raspberrypi: ~ $ sudo doorpi_cli --trace
    2017-02-23 16: 27: 50,598 [INFO] [doorpi.main]
    ___ ___ _
    VoIP Door-Intercomstation with Raspberry Pi
    / / \ / _ \ / _ \ | '__ / / _) / | Version: 2.5.1
    / / _ // (_) | (_) | | / ___ / | | License: CC BY-NC 4.0
    / ___, '\ ___ / \ ___ / | _ | \ / | _ | URL: <>

    .... etc.

    Sqlite3.OperationalError: database is locked
    Pi @ raspberrypi: ~ $

    Is it well I do not know .... apparently: it crashes.




    Waiting for your reply to my previous message .... I continue the adventure with the file doorpi.ini.

    I look at the content doorpi.ini and the first questions that come to me are:

    - What are the parameters to change? (Which will suit me)

    - In [DoorPiWeb] put: ip =; The asterisk server address?

    - What is used in [EVENT_OnStartup] code 10 = sleep: 1

    - In [onboardpins_InputPins]:
    what is the file /usr/local/etc/DoorPi/scripts/; What address is it?

    - In [EVENT_OnKeyPressed_onboardpins.0], can 10 = call: 21 be changed to 11 = call: 21?
    Because my button on my bell is wired on pin11 (GPIO17)

    - What does this block mean and what are the different parameters?
    Server = ----> server =
    Port = 465 ----> 587?
    Need_login = True
    Username = ---->
    Password = xyz ----> password at my access provider ORANGE
    Use_tls = False
    Use_ssl = True
    From = ----->

    Thanks in advance. Cordially.
